The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI) of RAU was founded in 2018 (by decree of the Rector of RAU No 01-07/ 635 of May 02, 2018) on the basis of the previously existing Institute of Mathematics and High Technologies.
Purpose and objectives: The Institute is designed to independently implement educational and scientific processes in the cycle of academic education (bachelor's-master's-postgraduate-doctoral studies), as well as additional postgraduate and commercial education.

The Institute functions autonomously within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia and the regulatory documents of RAU regulating educational and scientific activities.
The Institute consists of 3 departments:
Department of System Programming
Department of Mathematical Cybernetics
Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling
Highly professional teaching staff is engaged in the training of specialists at the Institute.
For the implementation of the educational process, the Institute has at its disposal educational laboratories, as well as the Center for Science and Technology, which includes research laboratories and scientific groups in the relevant areas of research.
Along with educational activities, the Institute carries out a wide range of scientific research in various fields of computer science and mathematics.
The Institute has wide scientific relations with various foreign universities and research centers, including those from the Russian Federation. They are carried out through the exchange of postgraduate students, the exchange of researchers, the presentation of joint projects, the use of modern laboratory equipment of well-known scientific centers, and the commercialization of joint scientific developments.
Under the guidance of leading scientists-teachers, students of the Institute have the opportunity to engage in science in modern research laboratories, which are equipped with the latest devices. Thanks to this, students, undergraduates and postgraduates of IMI have the opportunity to become co-authors of scientific articles in the process of studying, to present the results of their own research at international scientific conferences outside Armenia.
The main directions of scientific research are formed based on the fact that developments in the field of high technologies and automation of scientific research have been declared priority by the Government of the Republic of Armenia. Classes are taught by highly professional specialists in the field of computer science and applied mathematics, which provides students with education in the field of fundamental and applied mathematics, instills in them broad knowledge in various aspects of programming, and introduces them to the main modern algorithmic languages. Graduates successfully prove themselves both in purely theoretical areas of mathematics, natural science, and in many applied areas of modern science.